The Good Stuff is mini-documentaries and video essays, intertwining education, entertainment, and plain, unadulterated curiosity. The Good Stuff was started via a grant from Google, then became a part of the PBS Digital Studios stable of programs, and now is crowd funded through Patreon. The Good Stuff boast a loyal and international audience, and has amassed over 200,000 subscribers and 16,000,000 total views. The aim of the show is to inspire and inform on a variety of different subjects, mostly with a scientific and educational lean. The format of the show is similar to that of This American Life or Radiolab, but translated to video. We talk to experts in their field and get the lowdown on the latest breakthroughs in science and technology while exploring the vast complexities of modern civilization and human society. The most important part of The Good Stuff though, is asking its audience to think outside the box about the future of the world that surrounds them.


My official title at the good stuff was as the executive producer. However, since we decided to keep our team small so that we could have an extensive travel budget, I wore many hats. I was part of the initial team that concepted the entire series. I produced rough and final edits for many episodes, wrote episodes, shot and ran sound for most of the episodes, booked all of our interviews, and ran all of our social media including outreach and SEO. I also managed our SEO inside of Youtube itself. In addition, I served as the liaison between our team and PBS Digital Studios and worked with PBS Learning Media to produce our series The Good Stuff: Time Capsule. Since the show was released on a weekly basis, I have experience working on multiple projects at once while thriving in an environment that constantly had tight deadlines. This included being an air tight fact checker for every aspect of the show. Below are some examples of videos that I produced, wrote, shot, and edited.

Why do we dream?

This is part of a series of videos we did with the sleep research team at Stanford University. In this particular one, we asked the question: why do we dream?


This video was part of a series about the ongoing struggle between humans and nature. It asks the question: can humans accurately recreate nature?


In this video we travelled to Omaha talk to a man who claims to be getting close to creating a warp field in his garage. The video examines the science behind a warp drive and if the technology will one day be possible.